Sunday, January 23, 2011

i'm drooling over this Vintage Homeschool idea. . .

If you don't yet visit CakeWrecks, you are missing some good fun.

And some great ideas! 

I saw these images posted, and immediately thought how FUN this could be for our homeschool families--a cake/cupcake decorating event where the kids (with their parents' help of course!) try to reproduce a famous work of art in frosting!  We could invite the general homeschool public to come to the contest, and vote for the winners, and maybe we could even make it a fundraiser and sell the cupcakes/cakes or slices?  

Let me know what you all think of this!  (And don't get scared--I'm thinking sheet cakes and Monet dipples, totally doable!)

--kids get the fun of creating, with a specific challenge
--lots of learning opportunity on Color!
--lots of learning opportunity on art styles and famous works of art!
--accessible to all ages of kids
--if a contest, we would make sure everyone got a prize (most colorful, best reproduction, best color mixing, best use of the color red, etc. ; )
--if we invite non-Vintage homeschool families we can make it a fun, positive introduction to our group, and to Vintage itself
--if we make it a funraiser, we can choose to bless an organization that is loving and serving children, which our kids will also be excited about.
--other benefit to it being an event welcoming outsiders--we won't end up having to eat all that cake and frosting ourselves!!! ; )


Stacy said...

Oh, please please please make this virtual!! I'm loving the idea and the commute is too far for me :)


I'm thinking Georges Seurat...all those dots lend themselves well to piping!

Blessed said...

ooooooh, this is an intriguing idea!!! I'm thinking this could be a really fun idea for that fundraiser--let me know what you think:
--we take pics of all the cakes from our gathering, and post them on the site.

--we invite the online community to share their photos.

--any submissions who want to be included in the contest must be accompanied by an entrance fee via PayPal, something small like $3. The first prize winner gets a prize AND gets to choose the charity (from a list, all going to children) that receives the $ we raised from the contest fees!

What do you think? (I LOVE the idea of making this online, but, um, it would take some thought and work to put it together, so making some $ for charity would make it seem worthwhile!)

If any of the Vintage Moms would not want this blog used for this (since this is a shared space), we could do it over at a different blog--easy peasy to make one for this event!

Stacy, I'll let you know when this dream starts to become reality, and then you help me think through the online aspect!

Stacy said...

I'm in and will do whatever you ask me to do :)

Especially if I get to recreate The Scream in icing. Because if I'm doing a cake, I want it to match my life :p

Blessed said...

ah, ha ha! you realize I'll be thinking all day tomorrow about what painting best represents MY life at the moment.