Saturday, December 15, 2012

Vintage Homeschool Party! THIS Monday

Hello Vintage Homeschool Moms!

Wow, looking at the last post makes me realize how busy we have all been this Fall semester. 

Well, it's time for another party!

I tried to get official permission for us to use the usual classrooms for a Christmas party, and never heard back from the person who schedules the rooms, so that is why I am posting this at the very last minute.  We're down to the last week before Christmas, and I really want to have a party, by gum!  So let's go ahead and have the party and pretend they said we could. ; ) 

(You know they likely meant to say yes and just got busy and forgot. So I am sure it's fine.)

But we're not going to make this a big production this year.  No cookie exchange, no ornament craft, no announcing on any other homeschool groups.  Let's just get together and celebrate Christmas!

WHERE: usual classroom at Vintage
WHAT TO BRING:  a festive food item to share

We will sing some carols, read a story or two, and eat yummy food and chat and play.  Very low key!

Hope to see you all there!

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