Friday, September 14, 2012

Prayer for the Beginning of the Day

Every morning we are now having table time, at breakfast, and it is one of our favorite times of the school day.

One of the things in our table time is prayer--trying to get our hearts and minds centered on what really matters in this world before we even start our school day.  My dear friend Terry said she used to do the same with her daughter when they were homeschooling, and gave me this prayer they used.  I like it so much, and thought some of you might like to hear it too:

Prayer for the Beginning of the Day
O Lord, grant me to greet the coming day in peace, help me in all things to rely upon your holy will. In every hour of the day reveal your will to me. Bless my dealings with all who surround me. Teach me to treat all that comes to throughout the day with peace of soul and with firm conviction that your will governs all. In all my deeds and words, guide my thoughts and feelings. In unforeseen events, let me not forget that all are sent by you. Teach me to act firmly and wisely, without embittering and embarrassing others. Give me strength to bear the fatigue of the coming day with all that it shall bring. Direct my will, teach me to pray. And you, yourself, pray in me. Amen.

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